working mum

Prioritising Balance & Self Care as a Busy Working Mum

Juggling the responsibilities of being a working mum often feels like a never-ending balancing act. You’re constantly trying to meet the demands of work while being present for your family and somewhere in between, you’re supposed to find time for yourself. 

As a working mum myself, the struggle is real! 

The Mum Guilt of missing your child’s school event or the exhaustion of trying to keep up with both roles can be exhausting.

And it's so easy to let self-care fall by the wayside when you’re focused on taking care of everyone else. 

But finding balance and prioritising self-care isn’t just a luxury - it’s a necessity. A working mum needs to maintain her identity outside of being “mum” to stay happy and healthy. 

This might mean carving out time for hobbies, exercise or simply a quiet moment with a cup of coffee. 

Let’s explore some of the challenges faced by working mums and provide real strategies to help you find that elusive work-life balance. 

Whether it’s managing mum guilt, meeting your family’s needs or reclaiming your personal time, there's a way to thrive both at work and at home. 

Because every working mum deserves to feel fulfilled and appreciated in all aspects of her life!

Finding Balance as a Busy Working Mum

The juggling act between career aspirations and family life can feel overwhelming at times for a working mum. But here's the thing - finding that elusive work-life balance is absolutely possible. 

It just takes some strategic planning and a whole lot of grace.

I've been there … I’m in the thick of it now in fact … in the trenches of the working mother hustle. 

And I've learned that the key to not just surviving, but THRIVING, is to get crystal clear on what matters most.

Identify Your Priorities

First things first … take the time to really think about what your non-negotiables are. 

What are the most important things in your life right now?

For me, it was being present for my kids' big moments and making sure I had quality time with my husband. 

Once I identified those priorities, it became easier to make decisions about how to allocate my time and energy.

Set Realistic Expectations as a Working Mum

As much as we'd love to be Supermum, there are only so many hours in the day. That's why setting realistic expectations for yourself is crucial.

Anyone who says we can have and do it all is lying. It’s an unrealistic expectation that will only lead to burn out.

And we don’t need to do it all!. 

Focus on what's truly important and let go of the rest. 

Perfection is overrated anyway.

Establish Boundaries!

Oooo this one is a good one … boundaries, boundaries, boundaries! 

They're not just for the kids. As a working mum, it's essential to set clear boundaries between your working mum life and home life.

That might mean no checking emails after 6pm or designating certain days as "family only" time. 

Whatever works for you, make sure to communicate those boundaries to your employer and your loved ones.

And if your self employed like me, might be time to enforce some boundaries for yourself, so you’re not taking work home when you need to present for your family.


Have clear and open conversations with other members of the family.

If you have older kids, it might be time to sit down and divvy up household shores and other responsibilities that don’t need to fall squarely on your shoulders. 

And if you have a significant other, don't forget to schedule in some regular date nights. 

Keeping your relationship strong will only make the balancing act easier.

The Working Mum & Overcoming Guilt

Ah, mum guilt ... and then there's the WORKING MUM guilt.

It's like a pesky little gremlin that loves to whisper "you're not doing enough" in your ear. 

But here's the thing - you ARE doing enough. You’re most likely going above and beyond.

The choices you make as a working mother are valid and worthy of celebration. 

So let's just kick that guilt to the curb, shall we?

VALUE All that You Do

This motherhood gig is tough on its own, let alone being a working mum as well!

So PLEASE recognise how amazing you are. 

Your career matters, YOU matter and the impact your having on your children MATTERS.

I think all of us working mums need to take a step and appreciate what we do valuable.

Don't let anyone (including that annoying inner critic) make you feel guilty for pursuing your professional goals. 

You're setting an incredible example for your kids by showing them what it looks like to go after your dreams.

Let go of Perfectionism

Repeat after me … "I am not perfect and that's okay." 

Time to let go of the idea that you have to have it all together, all the time.

Pick your battles, embrace the chaos, the messiness and the imperfections of motherhood. 

Your kids don't need a perfect mum - they need a present and loving one.

Focus on Quality Time

When it comes to spending time with your little ones, quality trumps quantity every time. 

It's not about how many hours you spend together, but how present and engaged you are during that time.

Put away the phone, get down on their level and really tune in to what they're saying and doing. 

Those small moments of connection are what they'll remember most.

Create memories you children will take through to adulthood! This is one of the reasons I became a Family Portrait Photographer. “Family” and the experiences you share as a family, will have some of the most profound impact on your children.

It really is a privilege to be able to create those memories for Families.

But must admit, sometimes I need to remind myself to create those memories for my family too.

Build a Working Mum Support System

Trying to do this whole working mum thing alone will put you on a fast path to burnout. 

You need a mum squad, a girl tribe, a VILLAGE - whatever you want to call it.

This support system will be invaluable in time of need - even if it’s just to call a friend and have a rant. You need solid people around you in order to keep sanity control your work-life balance game. 

Seek out other working mums who GET IT. Join a mum village, whether that's an online community or a local meetup group.

Surrounding yourself with women who are navigating the same challenges can be incredibly empowering. You can swap stories, share advice and cheer each other on.

And don’t be afraid to ask for help! Lean on your support system.

Create a Daily Habit of Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is not optional, it's MANDATORY.

And even more so as someone juggling motherhood and being a working mum.

How can we possibly be expected to care for others when we’re running on empty?. 

Let's look at some ways to incorporate much-needed self-care into your daily routine.

Sleep & Rest

You need sleep! Like, actual restful sleep, not just a few hours here and there. I know it's easier said than done, but prioritising your sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours per night and if that's not possible, try to sneak in a nap or two during the day. Your body (and your brain) will thank you.


I know, I know. The last thing you want to do after a long day of work and parenting is hit the gym. But hear me out - exercise is a game-changer when it comes to managing stress and boosting your energy levels. Even just 30 minutes of movement a day can make a huge difference. And it doesn't have to be anything crazy - a brisk walk around the block, a yoga video on YouTube or a quick workout in your living room all count. Just get moving!

Start a hobby

When's the last time you did something just for you? Something that lights you up and brings you joy? As a working mum, it's easy to let our own interests and passions fall by the wayside.

But engaging in hobbies and activities that you love is so important for your mental health and overall well-being. Whether it's reading, painting, gardening, or learning a new skill, make time for the things that make you feel like YOU.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish - it's necessary. 

You can't pour from an empty cup. So fill yours up first and then watch as you have more to give - both to your family and at work.

Maximise Time with Your Kids

As a working mum, I know how precious every moment is with my kids. 

It's not about the quantity of time, but the quality. Making the most of the time we have together is key. 

Creating Special Moments

One of the Families I photographed recently spoke about Friday nights as “Woodfire Pizza Night”. Every Friday afternoon the entire family heads down to their local park where a Food Truck set-ups who does the most AMAZING woodfired pepperoni pizza.

It has become a weekly ritual and a shared experience they all look forward to.

Another Family has "adventure days" where they explore a new park, try a new recipe together or have a living room campout. 

No matter what you do, I think the key is to be fully present and engaged during these moments, putting away distractions and giving your undivided attention.

Establishing Family Traditions

Family traditions are another great way to create lasting memories and maximise quality time. Whether it's a weekly game night or an annual holiday away, traditions give children a sense of belonging and stability. 

Time Management & Productivity

Time is your most precious resource. 

We tend to focus on “work” when it comes to time management and productivity. But there’s no reason the same strategies can’t apply to home life too!

Prioritising Tasks

Start each day by identifying your top three tasks. These are the activities that will have the greatest impact on your work and your family. Focus on these first, before moving on to less important items on your to-do list. 

Use Time-Saving Tools

It’s time to streamline and automate your personal life! Things like online groceries to automatic bill pay, these services and tools will free up valuable time and energy. 

I have SO MANY decisions I need to make in a day … anything that can help reduce those decisions is amazing.

Let’s face it, I have better things to do than push a trolley around a grocery store. I would rather spend that time with my family.

Meal Prep & Planning

Now … not going to lie … this is probably a work in progress for me.

But creating a weekly ritual of meal prep is another time saving / life hacking tool. 

The weeks that I actually plan out my dinners and take the time to prep some of the meals and lunches for the week, I find the week run much smoother and I have to “think” less.

Some of my favourite meal prep strategies include batch cooking, freezer meals and slow cooker recipes. By having healthy, homemade meals ready to go, I can avoid the temptation of takeout and ensure that my family is eating well even on busy weeknights.

Societal Pressures & Expectations

As a working mum, societal pressures can feel like an additional weight on your already full plate. 

Social media often amplifies these pressures, showcasing picture-perfect lives that can make you question your own choices. 

From immaculate homes to perfectly behaved children and thriving careers, these unrealistic standards can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

But here's the things … those insta perfect reels rarely show the full story. 

Define your own success and understand what "enough" means for you. Their version of success is not yours. And you don’t need a large magazine worthy home or an expensive car to be happy. 

Living simply, focusing on experiences over material things, can bring you so more happiness. 

Tune out those toxic influences. And by that I mean unfollow them on social media, curate your feed so you see content and people that fill you with joy.

Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate your journey as a working mum.

And remember, your achievements—no matter how small they may seem—are worth celebrating. 

Did you finish a big project at work? Pat yourself on the back. Managed to get the kids to bed on time? That's a win! 

These moments are all part of your success story.

Find Joy in the Chaos

Life as a working mum can be a chaos sometimes, can’t it? 

One day it's all cuddles and laughter, the next day it's a never-ending cycle of tantrums and missed deadlines. 

But it's all part of the journey. 

And if we can learn to embrace that chaos and find joy in the little moments, it makes the tough times a little more bearable.

Practising Gratitude

When we focus on what we're grateful for, it shifts our perspective and helps us see the good in our lives. 

Start each day by recognising the good things or the silver linings in situations. Even when something doesn’t go your way, there is a lesson to be learned and something to be grateful ful. 

And on the really hard days, dig deep. Find one tiny thing to be thankful for, even if it's just the fact that you survived another day in the trenches of motherhood.

Savour the Little Moments

It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life as a working mum. We're always thinking about the next thing on our to-do list and we forget to be present in the moment. 

But sometimes it's those little moments that bring you the biggest joy.

It could be as simple as an unexpected moment of connection with your teenager or a cuddle from a toddler. Maybe it’s a moment of stillness after a crazy day.

So take a deep breath and savour those moments.

Embrace Imperfection

This is an easy one! Because there's no such thing as a perfect mum, let alone a WORKING mum. 

We're just doing our best and our best looks different from day to day. 

So embrace that imperfection. Embrace the messy house and the mismatched socks. Embrace the days when you're running on coffee and dry shampoo. 

Because at the end of the day, your kids don't care about any of that. They just want a mum who loves them fiercely and shows up for them every single day. 

And that's exactly what you're doing … 

Showing up, even when it's hard. 

You're loving your kids with every fibre of your being. 

And that's what matters most. 

From one working mum to another …. YOU’VE GOT THIS!


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